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current CEO who may have considerable power. Having signed a contract, the agent chooses how much effort to make to acquire … problem; how much information to acquire and what investment decision to make. As a consequence, the equilibrium contracts in … model E involve both bonuses and penalties. We identify lower and upper bounds on these, and study how the bonus and bonus …
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seller's valuation and the buyer's valuation, and the buyer evaluates each contract according to its worst-case performance … over a set of probability distributions. This paper demonstrates that the contract that maximizes the minimum payoff over … contract for any given probability distribution is a posted price, which induces bunching. Using the e-contamination model …
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effort. Our results confirm that a one-step bonus contract should be used, which means that a bonus contract is most …This study analyzed the principal-agent problem, in which the agent performs risk management tasks, and considered the … cost minimization problem of the principal, the objective of which is to design the cheapest contract inducing a target …
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Risk classification refers to the use of observable characteristics by insurers to group individuals with similar expected claims, compute the corresponding premiums, and thereby reduce asymmetric information. Risk classification can be used to mitigate adverse selection and improve insurance...
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endowment shock is small enough, the optimal contract prevents agents from reaching autarky tomorrow and, thus, from being …
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I show that stochastic contracts generate powerful incentives when agents suffer from probability distortion. When implementing these contracts, the principal can target probability distortions in order to inflate the agent's perceived benefits of exerting high levels of effort. This novel...
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The extant literature has used measurements of CEO risk-taking incentives which do not include the effects of termination provisions such as severance agreements. This paper provides a general form model that allows for the valuation and computation of CEO compensation structures including...
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This paper studies the surplus-sharing effects on the risk-taking of a corporate defined benefit (DB) pension plan. The focus is on the influence of the participants' proportion of surplus and of the relative weight of equityholders to participants. We prove that participants' risk-taking...
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An outside stakeholder’s commitment to bail out a levered investment fund mightencourage the fund manager to take … extreme risks. But what if the bailout were harsh?The loan would have a penalty rate and the manager would have to sacrifice …
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