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Willingness to take risk depends on whether the risk affects others as well as oneself and on how the risk affects oneś … position vis-á-vis others. Taking a bet can improve oneś position relative to others or threaten it. We present an experiment … apparent whether the unfair safe social outcome benefits them or the other. Subjects are also more risk averse when facing …
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risk. Furthermore, we determine whether subjects are averse to collective risk - the variability in the sum of payoffs of … the other. The first presentation draws attention to inequality in payoffs, the second to collective risk. We find that … risk changes choice only marginally and not significantly, though in the direction of collective risk reduction. We …
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In prosocial decisions, decision-makers are inherently uncertain about how their decisions impact others’ utility – we call this interpersonal uncertainty. We show that people’s response to interpersonal uncertainty shapes well-known patterns of prosocial behavior. First, using standard...
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In prosocial decisions, decision-makers are inherently uncertain about how their decisions impact others' utility - we call this interpersonal uncertainty. We show that people's response to interpersonal uncertainty shapes well-known patterns of prosocial behavior. First, using standard social...
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I investigate the decision problem of a player in a game of incomplete information who faces uncertainty about the other players' strategies. I propose a new decision criterion which works in two steps. First, I assume common knowledge of rationality and eliminate all strategies which are not...
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We estimate the long-term effects of start-up subsidies (SUS) for the unemployed on subjective outcome indicators of well-being, as measured by the participants' satisfaction in different domains. This extends previous analyses of the current German SUS program ("Gründungszuschuss") that...
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show that risk attitude is strongly affected by social contexts: participants in the experiment seem to be relatively risk …This paper investigates experimentally whether risk attitudes are stable across social contexts. In particular, it … seeking when they possess a relatively weaker position than the other party and risk averse when the opposite is true. Our …
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rather than only for themselves or a stranger, their behavior is closer to expected value maximization, exhibiting less risk …
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Combining a standard measure of concern about low relative wealth and a standard measure of relative risk aversion … leads to a novel explanation of variation in risk-taking behavior identified and documented by social psychologists and … individual's relative risk aversion decreases when he becomes more relatively deprived as a result of an increase in the average …
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