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We relate time-varying aggregate ambiguity (V-VSTOXX) to individual investor trading. We use the trading records of more than 100,000 individual investors from a large German online brokerage from March 2010 to December 2015. We find that an increase in ambiguity is associated with increased...
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derivatives with less beta uncertainty (TIPS and options) are introduced. In line with this theory, we find that the inflation …
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We use cross-country microdata to analyse the risk taking of households in Europe and the US. Concerning the extensive as well as the intensive margin of risky assets, European households differ substantially from US households; but also inside Europe we document substantial differences....
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of traditional finance theory. Even after controlling for market segmentation and “investability” of foreign markets … market uncertainty. My empirical hypotheses are based on a psychological theory that relates uncertainty in the markets to …
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performance fees even though these funds may be more expensive. According to agency theory, performance fees could incentivize … Prospect Theory preferences can help explain the emergence of certain financial products beyond other "classical" explanations …
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This paper develops new financial theory to link the third order stochastic dominance for risk-averse and risk …
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We consider an investor who faces parameter uncertainty in a continuous-time financial market. We model the investor's preference by a power utility function leading to constant relative risk aversion. We show that the loss in expected utility is large when using a simple plug-in strategy for...
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We examine asset allocation decisions under smooth ambiguity aversion when an investor has a prior degree of belief in an asset pricing model (e.g., the domestic CAPM). Different from a Bayesian approach, the investor separately relies on the conditional distribution of returns and on the...
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