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The purpose of this paper is to study the compensation for in ation risks priced in sovereign bond yields. And we do so … expected and unexpected in ation shocks embedded in sovereign bond yields; and provides estimates of the real risk-free rate …. We show that nominal sovereign bond yields for Germany, France, Japan and the United States, reflect, over the more …
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I provide evidence that risks in macroeconomic fundamentals contain valuable information about bond risk premia. I … account for up to 31% of the variation in excess bond returns. The main predictor factors are associated with point … unemployment rate. In addition, factors provide information about bond risk premia variation that is largely unrelated to that …
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We document a highly significant, strongly nonlinear dependence of stock and bond returns on past equity market …
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. Seemingly, markets have been demanding more stocks instead of bonds. Yet, instead of observing higher bond rates, paradoxically …, bond rates have been persistently negative after the Lehman-Brothers collapse. To explain this paradox, we suggest that, in …, this rise in perceived market fragility alone can explain the drop in both bond rates and price-dividend ratios observed …
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Studies of bond return predictability find a puzzling disparity between strong statistical evidence of return … accounting for important features of bond return models such as time varying parameters, volatility dynamics, and unspanned macro … performance of forecast combinations. Consistent with models featuring unspanned macro factors, our forecasts of future bond …
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(and their yield spreads). Equity/bond yields movements are mainly driven by subjective dividend/GDP growth expectation …Recent findings on the term structure of equity and bond yields pose serious challenges to existing equilibrium asset … pricing models. This paper presents a new equilibrium model to explain the joint historical dynamics of equity and bond yields …
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