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Cybersecurity threats can exert significant adverse effects on a company's performance, necessitating that stakeholders make an effort to understand the risks related to the companies with which they conduct business. However, since a company's relative exposure to cybersecurity risks is related...
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Subdiffusive processes can be used in finance to explicitly accommodate the presence of random waiting times between trades or "duration", which in turn allows the modelling of price staleness effects. Option pricing models based on subdiffusions are incomplete, as they naturally account for the...
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A key problem in financial and actuarial research, and particularly in the field of risk management, is the choice of models so as to avoid systematic biases in the measurement of risk. An alternative consists of working with incomplete information, by fixing only a number of parameters instead...
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A key problem in financial and actuarial research, and particularly in the field of risk management, is the choice of models so as to avoid systematic biases in the measurement of risk. An alternative consists of working with incomplete information, by fixing only a number of parameters instead...
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We introduce a representation theory for risk operations on locally compact groups in a partition of unity on a topological manifold for Markowitz-Tversky-Kahneman (MTK) reference points. We identify (1) risk torsion induced by the flip rate for risk averse and risk seeking behavior, and (2) a...
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This paper discusses the concept of leverage, its components and how to measure and monitor it. It proposes an innovative approach to assessing leverage based on flows using the concept of a marginal leverage ratio, which reveals the leverage related to new activities, as a valuable supplement...
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In this paper, we study the rescheduling problem of a two-tier supply chain after major supply disruptions. In our model, a service provider provides maintenance job requests to its customers. The replacement parts that are used in the maintenance requests are provided by a designated...
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The problem of credit risk management at commercial banks is solved using the stochastic dominance criteria supplementing them with the voting theory elements. The developed stochastic dominance algorithm is based on an investment approach whose basic concept consists in management of both...
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We consider the optimal portfolio problem of a power investor who wishes to allocate her wealth between several credit default swaps (CDSs) and a money market account. We model contagion risk among the reference entities in the portfolio using a reduced form Markovian model with interacting...
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Expectiles (EVaR) are a one-parameter family of coherent risk measures that have been recently suggested as an alternative to quantiles (VaR) and to Expected Shortfall (ES). In this work we review their known properties, we discuss their financial meaning, we compare them with VaR and ES and we...
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