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-sized enterprise (SME) sector, it is crucial for banks to distinguish healthy SMEs from risky ones. This chapter examines how a credit …
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Considered among of the main causes of the 2007 financial crisis, the credit risk transfer activities deserve nowadays particular attention. This study discusses the continuous effectiveness of the credit risk transfer activities by investigating their effects on the bank risk, liquidity and...
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Decentralized finance (DeFi) lending has grown from nonexistent in 2017 to nearly 40 billion US Dollars in deposited funds in May 2022. Using cryptocurrency as collateral, the platforms match speculative margin trading with yield-seeking depositors lending coins pegged to the dollar (stable...
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This paper develops a theory of corporate hedging in a financial contracting framework. In an economy with moral hazard … and state uncertainty, the optimal financial contract incorporates both non-monitoring (arm's length) finance and …
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A hedging contract may be closed before maturity when a firm experiences an ``event of default,'' such as a credit …
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According to the often-cited CapCo study (2003) about hedge fund failures, 50% of the failures were driven by Operational Risk. Not only for hedge funds, but also for other asset management companies – such as private equity companies, family offices or independent asset managers - operational...
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liabilities. However, its effects on SME performance and risk have been insufficiently studied. The competitiveness of SMEs … indicate that an SME’s SCF adoption positively impacts its performance but negatively impacts its risk. To further explore … exploring the multiple facets of SCF adoption and highlighting the moderating role of buyer-supplier relationship in SCF and SME …
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consisting of SME loans in a commercial bank operating in one of the quickly developing banking markets, i.e. in Slovenia … concentrates on corporate bond markets to estimate losses in the event of default, we use a unique individual bank data set on SME … in the specific bank, but also to the evaluation of SME loans characteristics in developing markets …
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, allowing lending institutions to recognize healthy SMEs. It is crucial for governments to collect SME data and prepare rich … this paper we define and describe in detail the role and characteristics of Japan's CRD in SME development and explain how … contributions to SME development and boost economic growth. …
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The significant excess of the price of risk, research question in the version paper, [S. Chule, in Applied Mathematical Finance, submitted June 2016], is space-domain form re-evaluated into the stochastic problem objective of the premium risk. The adapts of the conventional generic replication...
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