Showing 1 - 10 of 28
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The Russian war on Ukraine and Germany's dependence on Russian gas require a rethink of German energy supplies. While there is a heated debate about an immediate energy embargo, Russia could also stop its supplies at any time. To date, Germany has purchased around 55 percent of its natural gas...
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The construction of a second Baltic Sea natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany (Nord Stream 2) is very controversial for political, energy economic, and ecological reasons. The project owner and some European energy companies argue that it is a profitable, private-sector investment project...
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Der Bau der zweiten Ostsee-Erdgaspipeline (Nord Stream 2) ist aus politischen, energiewirtschaftlichen und ökologischen Gründen sehr umstritten. Der Projektbetreiber und einige europäische Energieversorgungsunternehmen argumentieren, es handele sich um ein privatwirtschaftlich angelegtes,...
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As a result of the Russian attack on Ukraine, natural gas prices skyrocketed in 2022 and Germany in particular felt the impact of its strong dependency on Russia. Prices have since relaxed, the European natural gas industry has overcome the uncertainty due to the energy crisis in 2022, and the...
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In Folge des russischen Angriffs auf die Ukraine sind die Preise für Erdgas im Jahr 2022 in immense Höhen geschnellt und haben gerade Deutschland die Folgen seiner starken Abhängigkeit von Russland spüren lassen. Die Preisspitzen sind inzwischen zwar abgeklungen, die europäische...
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The European Union has increased pressure on Russia by enacting a coal embargo. Following a transition period, Russian coal imports will end in August 2022. Recent studies show that Germany will be able to substitute Russian supplies with imports from other countries by summer 2022. However,...
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This paper examines the perspectives of Russian gas exports to Western Europe and the strategic options of the CIS gas transiting countries, namely Ukraine and Belarus. The development of a new transit corridor through Belarus (the Yamal-Europe pipeline), depriving Ukraine of its former...
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This paper examines the perspectives of Russian gas exports to Western Europe and the strategic options of the CIS gas transiting countries, namely Ukraine and Belarus. The development of a new transit corridor through Belarus (the Yamal-Europe pipeline), depriving Ukraine of its former...
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