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deviation (SCAD) estimator introduced in Fan and Li (2001). We find that this estimator can perform rather poorly infinite …
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We study the distributions of the LASSO, SCAD, and thresholding estimators, in finite samples and in the large …
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A copula model with flexibly specified dependence structure can be useful to capture the complexity and heterogeneity in economic and financial time series. However, there exists little methodological guidance for the specification process using copulas. This paper contributes to fill this gap...
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In this paper, we investigate the variable selection problem for recurrent event data under the additive rate model. According to the explicit estimator of the regression coefficients of the additive rate model, a loss function is constructed. It has a form similar to the ordinary least squares...
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-marginal likelihood function with Adaptive LASSO penalty (ALASSO) on regression coefficients. Two main advantages of this procedure are as …
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(SCCA) for multiple data sets has been proposed using a Lasso type of penalty. However, these methods do not have direct … suggested to further filter out unimportant features. In this paper, a comparison of four penalty functions (Lasso, Elastic …-net, smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD), and Hard-threshold) for SCCA with and without the BIC filtering step have been …
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In this paper, we consider variable selection for general transformation models with right censored data via nonconcave penalties. We will conduct the variable selection by maximizing the penalized log-marginal likelihood function. In the proposed variable selection procedures, we not only can...
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This paper analyzes multifactor models in the presence of a large number of potential observable risk factors and unobservable common and group-specific pervasive factors. We show how relevant observable factors can be found from a large given set and how to determine the number of common and...
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This paper studies panel data models with unobserved group factor structures. The group membership of each unit and the number of groups are left unspecified. The number of explanatory variables can be large. We estimate the model by minimizing the sum of least squared errors with a shrinkage...
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