Showing 1 - 10 of 1,053
We reassess the predictability of U.S. recessions at horizons from three months to two years ahead for a large number of previously proposed leading-indicator variables. We employ an efficient probit estimator for partially missing data and assess relative model performance based on the receiver...
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Rationality of early release data is typically tested using linear regressions. Thus, failure to reject the null does not rule out the possibility of nonlinear dependence. This paper proposes two tests that have power against generic nonlinear alternatives. A Monte Carlo study shows that the...
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We propose a simple modification of Hamilton’s (2018) time series filter that yields reliable and economically meaningful real-time output gap estimates. The original filter relies on 8 quarter ahead forecast errors of a simple autoregression of real GDP. While this approach yields a cyclical...
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The predictive likelihood is of particular relevance in a Bayesian setting when the purpose is to rank models in a forecast comparison exercise. This paper discusses how the predictive likelihood can be estimated for any subset of the observable variables in linear Gaussian state-space models...
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We propose a new test of the forward-looking Phillips curve for a panel of 10 OECD countries. Structural parameter estimates are obtained using an extremum estimation method which is applied in the frequency domain. Such an estimator has the advantage of enabling the econometrician to focus on...
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This paper illustrates the usefulness of sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods in approximating DSGE model posterior distributions. We show how the tempering schedule can be chosen adaptively, explore the benefits of an SMC variant we call generalized tempering for "online" estimation, and...
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We propose the adaptive elastic net for estimating Vector Autoregressions. Unlike competing methods, this estimator preserves the standard structural-VAR toolkit but at the same time leads to accurate forecasts. We show validity of the bootstrap in constructing unconditional-on-model-selection...
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This paper explores the potential of Business Survey data for the estimation and disaggregation of macroeconomic variables at higher frequency. We propose a multivariate approach which is an extension of the Stock and Watson (1991) dynamic factor model, considering more than one common factor...
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This paper illustrates the usefulness of sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods in approximating DSGE model posterior distributions. We show how the tempering schedule can be chosen adaptively, explore the benefits of an SMC variant we call generalized tempering for “online” estimation, and...
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This paper illustrates the usefulness of sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods in approximating DSGE model posterior distributions. We show how the tempering schedule can be chosen adaptively, explore the benefits of an SMC variant we call generalized tempering for "online" estimation, and...
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