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Analysis (SFA) and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) simultaneously for the same case, concluding that efficiency estimation …Estimating efficiencies of higher education institutions (HEIs) has become a central area of research in efficiency … analysis literature, particularly during the last two decades. Although the number of efficiency analysis researches in higher …
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We analyse overall cost efficiency in Spanish local governments during the crisis period (2008-2015). To this end, we … first consider some of the most popular nonparametric methods to evaluate local government efficiency, data envelopment … most appropriate one for our particular context and dataset (local government cost efficiency in Spain), we carry out an …
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Nonparametric efficiency analysis has become a widely applied technique to support industrial benchmarking as well as a …
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This paper uses the Free Disposal Hull framework in order to assess the relative efficiency of Belgian general …’s efficiency is markedly better. As far as public order and safety are concerned, major improvements could and should be made …
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This paper uses the Free Disposal Hull framework in order to assess the relative efficiency of Belgian general …’s efficiency is markedly better. As far as public order and safety are concerned, major improvements could and should be made …
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In this paper we consider nonparametric estimation of a structural equation model under full additivity constraint. We propose estimators for both the conditional mean and gradient which are consistent, asymptotically normal, oracle efficient and free from the curse of dimensionality. Monte...
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Numerous empirical studies employ regression discontinuity designs with multiple cutoffs and heterogeneous treatments. A common practice is to normalize all the cutoffs to zero and estimate one effect. This procedure identifies the average treatment effect (ATE) on the observed distribution of...
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In this study, we consider linear social interaction models under incomplete information that allow for missing outcome data due to sample selection. For model estimation, assuming that each individual forms his/her belief about the other members' outcomes based on heterogeneous rational...
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