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the finite population mean under a two-phase sampling system. The Bias and Mean Square Error (MSE) of the proposed … exponential regression cum ratio estimator when compared using the cri- teria of bias, mean square error and percentage relative … efficiency. The proposed es- timator can be used to estimate the averages of economic variables such as inflation, exchange rate …
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less data. The choice of survey mode, therefore, involves a potential tradeoff between bias and variance of estimators. I … dilemma. I then use a simulation study to show how and under what conditions a hybrid survey design can improve efficiency of …
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When analyzing what determines the efficiency of production, regressing efficiency scores estimated by DEA on …-oriented efficiency. To demonstrate the capabilities of the new command simarwilson we use data from the Penn World Tables and the Global … governance of a country for its efficiency of output production. …
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Underreporting and undersampling biases in top tail wealth, although widely acknowledged, have not been statistically quantified so far, essentially because they are not readily observable. Here we exploit the functional form of power law-like regimes in top tail wealth to derive analytical...
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bias. We show that grouping can also create substantial aggregation bias, calling into question how well pseudo-panels can … mimic panel estimates. We create two metrics for assessing the grouping process, one for each potential source of bias. If …
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, slaves, and prisoners. -- self-selection ; selection bias ; heights ; anthropometrics ; standards of living …
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In this paper we describe some applications of the Random Recursive Partitioning (RRP) method. This method generates a proximity matrix which can be used in non parametric hot-deck missing data imputation, classification, prediction, average treatment effect estimation and, more generally, in...
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