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whether spanning holds or not. From large equity datasets, we estimate the expected utility loss due to possible under …
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Investors typically measure an asset’s potential to diversify a portfolio by its correlations with the portfolio’s other assets, but correlation is useful only if it provides a good estimate of how an asset’s returns co-occur cumulatively with the other asset returns over the investor’s...
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The optimized portfolio that is calculated by a covariance matrix has large sensitivities to small eigen values of the covariance matrix. Estimation of sampling errors for small eigen values is quite important for fund managers who construct their portfolios from estimated covariance matrixes....
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date. The Arrow-Pratt coefficients are properties of the utility functions, but a number of estimates are obtained by …
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The global minimum variance portfolio computed using the sample covariance matrix is known to be negatively affected by parameter uncertainty, an important component of model risk. Using a robust approach, we introduce a portfolio rule for investors who wish to invest in the global minimum...
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Bei der Kreditrisikobewertung müssen die Parameter Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit und korrelation geschätzt werden. Diese Schätzung erfolgt unter Unsicherheit. In der Literatur werden asymptotische Konfidenzregionen diskutiert, um diese Unsicherheit bei der simultanen Schätzung beider Parameter...
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The use of probability of default estimates to assess the risks of a credit portfolio should not ignore estimation uncertainty. The latter can be quantified by confidence intervals. But assumptions about dependencies of these intervals are inconsistent with assumptions of conventional credit...
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optimal portfolio choice by maximising the conditional utility function for each individual conditioning variable, and then …
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