Showing 1 - 10 of 2,077
In recent years, a liquid market for options on a broad credit default swap index (CDX) has developed. We study the extent to which these options are priced consistently with options on a broad equity index (SPX). We consider a rich structural credit risk model in which firm assets follow a...
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We find that single-name options trading increases the absolute level of information content of prices (stock price informativeness). We confirm our results through instrumental variable approach to control for potential endogeneity. We further show causality by using a difference-in-difference...
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This paper presents a tractable dynamic equilibrium model of stock return extrapolation in the presence of stochastic volatility. In the model, consistent with survey evidence, following positive (negative) stock returns, investors expect future returns to be higher (lower) but also less (more)...
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Divergence in investor beliefs is an important driver of the negative relation between option trading volume and future stock returns. We find a strong negative relation between disagreement-based option trades and future stock returns, and this relation is markedly amplified when the underlying...
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Prior literature finds information is reflected in option markets before stock markets using daily and weekly trading volume, but evidence is mixed at the intraday level. Using novel intraday signed option volume data, we develop a composite option trading score (OTS) and document its stock...
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The option implied volatility spread and skew predict stock returns. These variables also reflect the expected cost of borrowing stock to sell short. The stock borrowing fee implied from options prices predicts changes in quoted borrowing fees and stock returns; however, the volatility spread...
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This paper proposes a new reduced-form model for the pricing of VIX derivatives that includes an independent stochastic jump intensity factor and co-jumps in the level and variance of VIX, while allowing the mean of VIX variance to be time-varying. I t the model to daily prices of futures and...
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We examine the impact of interest rates benchmark reform and upcoming Libor transition on options markets. We address various modelling challenges the transition brings. We specifically focus on the impact of the clearing houses' discounting switch on swaptions, and the consequences of Libor...
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Using day-end pricing data from a comprehensive data base not readily available outside of China, an algorithm to trade near-the-money call option time spreads on China's SSE 50 ETF was developed and tested. Analysis of in-sample data, suggested profitable trading rules that, when applied to...
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In this paper, we propose a novel parametric approach to extract the implied risk-neutral density function from a cross-section of call option prices. The method is based on the framework proposed by Orosi (2011), who presents a multi-parameter extension of the models of Figlewski (2002) and...
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