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In this paper we investigate the effects of new railway stations on house prices using an extensive repeated sales dataset over a period of 13 years. We employ semiparametric panel data techniques allowing for anticipation effects of station openings. We show that a kilometre reduction in...
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In this book, locational preferences of firms in The Netherlands and Germany are studied from a behavioral point of view. Stated preferences of entrepreneurs in each country are examined, using various types of statistical analysis. The influence of both firm and place characteristics is...
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1 Introduction -- 2 Theory -- 3 Empirical Basis -- 4 Data Collection -- 5 Rating of Locations -- 6 The Influence of Firm Characteristics -- 7 The Influence of Location Factors -- 8 The Relation between Distance and Rating -- 9 Development over Time -- 10 A Wider Perspective -- 11 Summary and...
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In this paper we investigate the effects of new railway stations on house prices using an extensive repeated sales dataset over a period of 13 years. We employ semiparametric panel data techniques allowing for anticipation effects of station openings. We show that a kilometre reduction in...
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Local amenities are an important factor in the location choice of households. Heterogeneity in preferences of households tends to sort households over different locations which satisfy best their preferences given their constraints. In this paper, we analyze the effect of cultural heritage on...
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We compute aggregate productivity of three categories of regions, classified by level of urbanization in the Netherlands, from firm-specific total factor productivity (TFP) measures. TFP measures are estimated by a semi-parametric algorithm, within 2-digit industries, covering agriculture,...
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We investigate the interplay between firms' R&D decisions and labor market competition, and how this influences equilibrium location choices and welfare. Firms engage in risky R&D activities and thus create stochastic product and implied labor demand. Spatial agglomeration is more likely in...
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