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Credit risk is crucial to understanding banks' production technology and should be explicitly accounted for when … modeling the latter. The banking literature has largely accounted for risk by using ex-post realizations of banks' uncertain … outputs and the variables intended to capture risk. This is equivalent to estimating an ex-post realization of bank …
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This paper analyses the risk and return of loans portfolios in a joint setting. I develop a model to obtain the … with a Value at Risk constraint. I also obtain closed form expressions for the interest rates that banks should set in … compensation for borrowers' credit risk under absence of arbitrage opportunities and I use these rates as a benchmark to interpret …
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credit risk amid greater uncertainty. These adverse impacts of uncertainty on bank lending (both quantity and quality) are …
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Studies have consistently found that social structure influences who transacts with whom, and that actors appear to benefit when exchange occurs embedded within these relations rather than in an unstructured market. This paper argues that the apparent benefits of embedded exchange can arise from...
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This paper investigates the impact of lower mortgage rates on household balance sheets and other economic outcomes during the housing crisis. We use proprietary loan-level panel data matched to consumer credit records using borrowers' Social Security numbers, which allows for accurate...
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This paper investigates the degree of dispersion in the loan pricing of commercial banks and its association with competitive conditions in the banking industry of a large emerging economy. To quantify the lending rate variability in consumer loans, we utilize a new indexation mechanism...
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We provide evidence for heterogeneous consumer preferences for product quality and game outcome uncertainty (GOU) in Major League Baseball. Using attendance data from 2013 to 2019, we explore functional data clustering techniques to detect common patterns in predictive margins of team-specific...
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The present paper examines one of the central elements of evolutionary thinking - competition formalized by the replicator dynamics mechanism. Using data on product characteristics of automobiles sold on the German domestic market over the period 2001-2006, we construct a competitiveness or...
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The present paper examines one of the central elements of evolutionary thinking - competition formalized by the replicator dynamics mechanism. Using data on product characteristics of automobiles sold on the German domestic market over the period 2001-2006, we construct a competitiveness or...
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