Showing 1 - 10 of 186
Most economic time series, such as GDP, real exchange rate and banking series are irregular by nature as they may be affected by a variety of discrepancies, including political changes, policy reforms, import-export market instability, etc. When such changes entail serious consequences for time...
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In this paper we come up with an alternate theoretical proof for the independence and unbiased property of extreme value robust volatility estimator with respect to the standard robust volatility estimator as proposed in the paper by Muneer & Maheswaran (2018b). We show that the robust...
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This paper proposes new estimators for the daily return variance which are based on common intraday statistics (opening, high, low, and closing prices). These estimators utilize information contained in products of absolute values of uncorrelated intraday statistics. An empirical study of nine...
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The literature has been notably less definitive in distinguishing between finite sample studies of seasonal stationarity than in seasonal unit root tests. Although the use of seasonal stationarity and unit root tests is advised to determine correctly the most appropriate form of the trend in a...
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Using data from the Health and Retirement Study, this paper creates variables measuring knowledge about future social security and pension benefits by comparing respondent reports of their expected benefits with benefits calculated from social security earnings records and employer provided...
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