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-series dynamics of runs and the equilibria that develop. We propose two identification approaches to test predictions of recent …
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We document that the variation in market liquidity is an important determinant of momentum crashes that is independent of other known explanations surfaced on this topic. This relationship is driven by the asymmetric large return sensitivity of short-leg of momentum portfolio to changes in...
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This paper examines market liquidity in the post-crisis era in light of concerns that regulatory changes might have reduced dealers' ability and willingness to make markets. We begin with a discussion of the broader trading environment, including an overview of regulations and their potential...
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This paper examines market liquidity in the post-crisis era in light of concerns that regulatory changes might have reduced dealers' ability and willingness to make markets. We begin with a discussion of the broader trading environment, including an overview of regulations and their potential...
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We investigate how the increase in speed of U.S. equity markets has distorted liquidity measures. We find that the widely-used Monthly Trade and Quote (MTAQ) database yields a percent effective spread 43% higher than our benchmark, a quoted spread that is nonpositive nine times more often, and a...
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Do fast, competitive markets yield liquidity measurement problems when using the popular Monthly Trade and Quote (MTAQ) database? Yes. MTAQ yields distorted measures of spreads, trade location, and price impact compared with the expensive Daily Trade and Quote (DTAQ) database. These problems are...
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I examine whether the market's reaction to firms' earnings news varies with analysis (i.e., editorial content) produced by financial journalists. A series of restructuring events at The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) suggests that WSJ articles improve price discovery and increase trading volume at...
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This study investigates how commercial paper rates respond to the innovations in stock market risk premiums. The unrestricted vector autoregression (VAR) analysis of monthly data from 1997:1 to 2012:M6 shows that the changes in the one-, two-, and three-month non-financial and financial...
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Muir (2014) shows that the ratio of intermediary equity to GDP predicts future market returns and is a priced risk factor in the cross-section of stock returns. Here, I extend his work and show that expectations of large declines in the equity of financial institutions can also help explain...
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Financial intermediaries play a key role in the formation of asset prices. More specifically, the increasing importance of non-bank financial intermediaries has raised new questions about the risks that hedge funds pose to the financial system. We focus on the role that changes in hedge fund...
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