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I develop a structural model of mortgage demand and lender competition to study how leverage regulation affects the equilibrium in the UK mortgage market. Using variation in risk-weighted capital requirements across lenders and across mortgages with differential loan-to-values, I show that a...
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We develop new measures to detect income falsification on mortgage applications during the housing bubble. We find that regulators failed to prevent income falsification. Additionally, regulatory requirements imposed on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the “GSEs”) to promote lending in...
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We use a panel data set of large listed European banks to evaluate the effect of the usage of internal ratings-based (IRB) models on bank opacity. We find that a more intensive implementation of these models is associated with lower absolute forecast error and disagreement among analysts about...
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This study examines the speed of adjustment of the leverage and regulatory capital ratios between 2002 and 2018 for large commercial banks of the USA. The study applies a two-step system GMM technique to obtain the speed of adjustment. The results prove that higher-quality capital requires...
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Credit risk is an important issue in many finance areas, such as the determination of cost of capital, the valuation of corporate bonds and pricing of credit derivatives. Credit risk has also been a cause and consequence of the current financial crisis. Thus, methods for measuring credit risk,...
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Firm political contributions are associated with lower credit default swap spreads for contributing firms. To address endogeneity, we employ novel instruments and use a set of exogenous events on campaign contribution restrictions: (a) the passage of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA)...
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Credit risk is an important issue in many finance areas, such as the determination of cost of capital, the valuation of corporate bonds and pricing of credit derivatives. Credit risk has also been a cause and consequence of the current financial crisis. Thus, methods for measuring credit risk,...
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We use an extensive data set of bilateral exposures on credit default swap (CDS) to estimate the impact on collateral demand of new margin and clearing practices and regulations. We decompose collateral demand for both customers and dealers into several key components, including the “velocity...
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The paper argues that it would be natural to replace the standard normal distribution function by the logistic function in the regulatory Basel II (Vasicek's) formula. Such a model would be in fact consistent with the standard logistic regression PD modeling approach. An empirical study based on...
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Interest rates are one of the main risk factors for insurance companies. Both assets and liabilities react to the movement of interest rates. Therefore, it is essential to have an adequate model of interest rates for Solvency II applications. Here, we address some of the existing issues under...
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