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decomposing realized volatility in its continuous and discontinuous jump component. First, we analyze the relation between … volatility and trading activity. Coherent with existing studies we find that the driving factor of the relation between … Data ; Realized Volatility ; Price Jump ; Trading Activity ; Urgent Market Message …
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We study the real-time characteristics and drivers of jumps in option prices. To this end, we employ high frequency data from the 24-hour E-mini S&P 500 options market. We find that option prices do not jump simultaneously across strikes and maturities and are uncorrelated with jumps in the...
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volatility level. Single-factor stochastic volatility models are not flexible enough to account for the stochastic behavior of … the skew. On the other hand, multifactor stochastic volatility models are able to account for the existence of stochastic … that the consideration of additional volatility factors in the context of stochastic volatility models allows us to …
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Derivatives, especially equity and volatility options, contain valuable and oftentimes essential information for … estimating stochastic volatility models. Absent strong assumptions, their typically highly nonlinear pricing dependence on the … jointly accounts for stock returns as well as prices of equity and volatility options. Finally, we provide numerical results …
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In this work, I study the impact of high-frequency trading (HFT) on price discovery and volatility in the Bund futures … price discovery compared to Non-HFTs, but also add a higher share to noise than to permanent volatility. Moreover, I find … evidence that HFTs tend to supply less liquidity after an unexpected rise in market volatility and prior to upcoming …
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A growing body of literature confirms the significance of the commodity futures basis factor: It has a significantly positive premium and it explains the cross-section of commodity-futures excess returns. We extend the literature by documenting predictive relation between this factor and the...
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The selection of an appropriate parameterization of data is a fundamental step in a majority of empirical research effort. Likewise, detecting or estimating features of non-stationarities in data sequences is a critical point in conducting credible research that uses data for inference. In this...
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We proxy uncertainty in the stock, oil and gold markets with the variance risk premia, extracted from futures and option contracts. We observe that an independent increase in the stock, oil or gold markets uncertainty coincides with negative returns in different industries. However, only the...
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The shape of the VIX term structure conveys information about the price of variance risk rather than expected changes in the VIX, a rejection of the expectations hypothesis. A single principal component, Slope, summarizes nearly all this information, predicting the excess returns of S&P 500...
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underlying stock (asset) is subject to discontinuous market regime type of shifts in its mean or volatility whose risk can be …
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