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The zero-coupon yield curve is a common input for most financial purposes. The authors consider three popular yield curve datasets, and explore the extent to which the decision as to what dataset to use for an application may have implications on the results. The paper illustrates why such...
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In this work we introduce the notion of implied Core Equity Tier 1 volatility and the concept of a risk …-adjusted distance to trigger. Using a derivatives-based valuation approach, we are able to derive the implied CET1 volatility from the … market price of a CoCo bond in a Black-Scholes setting. The numerical results in this paper show how different contingent …
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volatility of the options prices. The approach is flexible in that different objective functions for predicting the underlying … volatility can be modified and adapted in the proposed framework. The framework is implemented empirically for four major … (MEM) of implied volatility and the GARCH(1,1). The results indicate that the proposed framework is capable of producing …
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We construct multi-currency models with stochastic volatility and correlated stochastic interest rates with a full … interest rate by a stochastic volatility displaced-diffusion Libor Market Model [AA02], which can model an interest rate smile …
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This paper deals with issues related to the choice of the interest rate model to price interest rate derivatives. After the development of the market models, choosing the interest rate model has become almost a trivial task. However, their use is not always possible, so that the problem of...
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interest rates - is a strong predictor of U.S. Treasury bond returns of maturities ranging between one and ten years for return … qualitatively replicates the predictability pattern of IRVRP for bond returns. …
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volatility - clearly dominates the other candidates. The pricing kernel is always strictly positive and everywhere monotonically …
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The maturity effect states that the volatility of futures prices should increase as the contract approaches expiration … by analyzing the term structure of the volatility of the most worldwide traded contracts, taking into consideration their … specific characteristics. We provide empirical evidence on the positive relation between volatility and time to maturity and …
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bond prices become linear-rational functions of the factors. This class is highly tractable with several distinct … advantages: i) ensures nonnegative interest rates, ii) easily accommodates unspanned factors affecting volatility and risk …, volatility, and risk premium dynamics — including when interest rates are close to the zero lower bound …
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