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Hedge Fund returns are often highly serially correlated mainly due to illiquidity exposures given that investments in such securities tend to be inactively traded and associated market prices are not always readily available. Following that, observed returns of such alternative investments tend...
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Both unconditional mixed-normal distributions and GARCH models with fat-tailed conditional distributions have been employed for modeling financial return data. We consider a mixed-normal distribution coupled with a GARCH-type structure which allows for conditional variance in each of the...
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Instabilities in the price dynamics of a large number of financial assets are a clear sign of systemic events. By investigating a set of 20 high cap stocks traded at the Italian Stock Exchange, we find that there is a large number of high frequency cojumps. We show that the dynamics of these...
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theory assumes that return shocks can be caused by changes in conditional volatility through a time-varying risk premium. On …
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This paper extends the stochastic conditional duration model first proposed by Bauwens and Veredas (2004) by imposing … mixtures of bivariate normal distributions on the innovations of the observation and latent equations of the duration process … dependence structures for the IBM and Boeing duration data …
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This paper proposes a variant of a threshold stochastic conditional duration (TSCD) model for financial data at the … transaction level. It assumes that the innovations of the duration process follow a threshold distribution with a positive support … discrimination, we employ deviance information criteria, which does not depend on the number of model parameters directly. Duration …
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This paper extends a stochastic conditional duration (SCD) model for financial transaction data to allow for … correlation between error processes or innovations of observed duration process and latent log duration process with the aim of … filter technique to construct one-step-ahead in-sample and out-of-sample duration forecasts of the fitted models …
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We introduce a class of models for the analysis of durations, which we call stochastic conditional duration (SCD …
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An asymmetric multivariate generalization of the recently proposed class of normal mixture GARCH models is developed. Issues of parametrization and estimation are discussed. Conditions for covariance stationarity and the existence of the fourth moment are derived, and expressions for the dynamic...
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