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We address the question of designing dynamic menus to sell experience goods. A dynamic menu consists of a set of price-quantity pairs in each period. The quality of the product is initially unknown, and more information is generated through experimentation. The amount of information in the...
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Learning or experience curves are widely used to estimate cost functions in manufacturing modeling. They have recently … shows that there is a fundamental statistical identification problem in trying to separate learning from exogenous … technological change and that the estimated learning coefficient will generally be biased upwards. Second, we present two empirical …
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In this paper, I present an empirical model of learning under ambiguity in the context of clinical trials. Patients are … concern with learning the treatment effect of the experimental drug, but face the ambiguity of random group assignment. A two … dimensional Bayesian model of learning is proposed to capture patients' beliefs on the treatment effect and group assignment …
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We analyse firms' sourcing decisions under institutional uncertainty in foreign countries. Firms can reduce their uncertainty by observing offshoring firms' behaviour. The model characterises a sequential offshoring equilibrium path, led by the most productive firms in the market. With multiple...
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's beliefs, search costs and preferences. Learning plays an essential role in this strategy: it creates variation of posterior …
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learning model. The first section develops a dynamic model combining asset accumulation and learning to explain the parents … child’s ability. The model infers that, with enough time spent learning, information can improve parents’ welfare. This can … investigates college saving behavior when learning is present. Data suggest pessimistic and/or rich parents might reduce the level …
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learning model. The first section develops a dynamic model combining asset accumulation and learning to explain the parents … child's ability. The model infers that, with enough time spent learning, information can improve parents' welfare. This can … investigates college saving behavior when learning is present. Data suggest pessimistic and/or rich parents might reduce the level …
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expectations by way of learning. The inspection of output and inflation variances show that a policy of reacting to excess money …
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