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the impact of inequality. This study employs panel estimators that tackle heterogeneity and cross-sectional dependence to … model as well as a model that allows for stochastic trends and cross-sectional dependence. Annual panel data for the period … effect on import demand. The estimation also yields some other expected results, viz. that the income and price elasticity of …
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We examine the effect of testing for Coronavirus on deaths in eight countries over the month of March 2020 by estimating a fixed-effect regression model using the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM). On average, the data reject the hypothesis that "testing" for the virus does not affect death....
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GMM estimation of autoregressive panel data equations in error-ridden variables when the noise has memory, is … country panel data supplements the simulation results. …
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estimation efficiency, while properly tackling the bias due to unobserved time-invariant characteristics. We assess its …
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This paper provides estimation method to measure technical efficiency of production units and the speed of adjustment … adjustment of inputs. Using a panel dataset on private manufacturing establishments in Egypt, I find that the speed of adjustment …
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The GMM estimator that is usually employed in the panel data literature, has an unbounded influence function. This … illustration is provided, in which the determinants of a firm's capital structure are investigated using a panel of American firms …
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estimation efficiency, while properly tackling the bias due to unobserved time-invariant characteristics. We assess its …
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The two-step GMM estimators of Arellano and Bond (1991) and Blundell and Bond (1998) for dynamic panel data models have … samples in terms of the estimation accuracy on the autoregressive parameter and the size of the Sargan-Hansen test. …
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This paper proposes new GMM estimators for the panel AR(1) model when the ratio of the variance of the individual …
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This paper constructs individual-specific density forecasts for a panel of firms or households using a dynamic linear … model with common and heterogeneous coefficients and cross-sectional heteroskedasticity. The panel considered in this paper … simulation-based posterior sampling algorithm specifically addressing the nonparametric density estimation of unobserved …
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