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. Bayesian learning implies that beliefs about the likelihood of rare disasters drop to a much more pessimistic level once a … disaster has occurred. Such a shift in beliefs can trigger massive declines in price-dividend ratios. Pessimistic beliefs … between rational and adaptive Bayesian learning. Rational learners account for the possibility of future changes in beliefs in …
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This paper contributes to the literature by assessing expectation effects from monetary policy for the G7 economies. We consider a sample period running from 1995M1 to 2016M6 based on a panel VAR framework, which accounts for international spillovers and time-variation. Relying on a broad set of...
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Asset prices are a valuable source of information about financial market participants.expectations about key macroeconomic variables. However, the presence of time-varying risk premia requires an adjustment of market prices to obtain the market’s rational assessment of future price and policy...
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What are the effects of beliefs, sentiment, and uncertainty, over the business cycle? To answer this question, we …) and their beliefs may be influenced by their perceptions about future uncertainty. We estimate the behavioral model using … fluctuations. Shifts in perceived uncertainty can also affect real activity and inflation through a confidence channel, as they …
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Despite a large literature documenting that the efficacy of monetary policy depends on how inflation expectations are anchored, many monetary policy models assume: (1) the inflation target of monetary policy is constant; and, (2) the inflation target is known by all economic agents. This paper...
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Interest rate surprises around FOMC announcements reveal both the surprise in the monetary policy stance (the pure policy shock) and interest rate movements driven by exogenous information about the economy from the central bank (the information shock). In order to disentangle the effects of...
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measure beliefs about the effects of macroeconomic shocks on unemployment and inflation, providing respondents with identical …,500 US households and 1,500 experts, beliefs are widely dispersed, even about the directional effects of shocks, and there are … large differences in average beliefs between households and experts. Part of this disagreement seems to arise from selective …
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In this paper I study the effects of monetary policy on economic activity and asset prices in Sweden, separately identifying the effects of a conventional policy change from effects of new information about economic fundamentals. Recent research has shown that high-frequency changes in policy...
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show rationally inattentive price-setters produce this result. The model also links disagreement and uncertainty - two …
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show rationally inattentive price-setters produce this result. The model also links disagreement and uncertainty – two …
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