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stock prices even though TFP does not change significantly for more than 2 years. A labor search model in which wages are …‐finding rates. The proposed wage rule is consistent with empirical responses of wages to both anticipated and unanticipated …
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-sectional heterogeneity of establishments' average real wages over the business cycle. While the median establishments' real wages are … procyclical, there is a large fraction of establishments with countercyclical real wages. We are the first to show that … establishments with more procyclical wages have a less procyclical hires rate and employment behavior. We propose a labor market flow …
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cyclicality of hourly wages is muted, suggesting that head's labor income risk is mainly coming from the volatility of hours …We investigate cyclicality of variance and skewness of household labor income risk using PSID data. There are five main …. Third, younger households face stronger cyclicality of income volatility than older ones, although the level of volatility …
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cyclicality of hourly wages is muted, suggesting that head's labor income risk is mainly coming from the volatility of hours …We investigate cyclicality of variance and skewness of household labor income risk using PSID data. There are five main …. Third, younger households face stronger cyclicality of income volatility than older ones, although the level of volatility …
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dynamic behavior of the labor share of GDP. The counter-cyclicality of hiring rates and job values, which may appear counter …
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Firms' sensitivities to business cycles differ by size and age. The differences are large: "young and small firms" are more cyclical than large firms, whereas "old and small" firms are closer to acyclical. A heterogeneous-firm model with heterogeneous returns to scale can replicate these...
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This paper studies the employment and wage effects of contract staggering, i.e., the staggered nature in which wages …, we estimate the causal effect of increases in base wages mandated by collective agreements signed right before the shock … rigidity much higher than that assumed in macroeconomic models including staggered wages. Instead, we show that firms were able …
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Changes in accumulated retirement savings, particularly in employer-sponsored defined contribution (DC) plan balances, differ by worker’s earnings levels. Earnings shocks, portfolio diversification, and employer contributions to worker’s DC plans affect retirement savings for lower earners...
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adopted by summer 2009. Remarkably, not even during the worst postwar recession did employers cut base wages to reduce costs …
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A labor matching model with nominal rigidities can match short-run movements in labor's share with some success. However, it cannot explain much of the behavior of employment, vacancies, and job flows in postwar US data without resorting to additional shocks beyond monetary policy and...
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