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We develop a measure of how information events impact investors' perceptions of risk that is broadly applicable and simple to implement. We derive this measure from an option-pricing model where investors anticipate an announcement that simultaneously conveys information on the announcer's...
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We propose a tone-based event study to reveal the aggregate abnormal tone dynamics in media articles around earnings announcements. We test whether they convey incremental information that is useful for price discovery for non financial S&P 500 firms. The positive relationship found between the...
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Previous research finds higher stock prices for firms with extended EPS meet-or-beat streaks benchmarked to analysts' forecasts. Due to the different persistence and reliability properties of firms' revenue and expenses, in this study, I test whether stock valuations are different when EPS...
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This study uses 469,816 monthly observations of US public firms for the period 1990-2018 to document a strong positive relationship between short-term changes in financial distress risk and future stock price crashes. This result is economically significant as a one interquartile increase of the...
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An emerging stream of research documents that experience of traumatic events early in a CEO's life influences the firm's investment and financing choices. We extend this research by examining the impact of CEO early-life natural disaster experience on stock price crash risk. Using a longitudinal...
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This paper demonstrates that measures of stock price synchronicity based on market model R2s are predictably biased downwards as a result of stock illiquidity, and that previously‐employed remedies to correct market model betas for measurement bias do not fix R2. Using a large international...
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This paper demonstrates that measures of stock price synchronicity based on market model R2s are predictably biased downwards as a result of stock illiquidity, and that previously-employed remedies to correct market model betas for measurement bias do not fix R2. Using a large international...
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We demonstrate that the uncertainty communicated by US R&D accounting is also risk relevant. First, we quantify the information on the uncertainty of future benefits through revisions of expectations regarding future cash flows. R&D significantly influences the market's revisions of expectations...
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This paper demonstrates that measures of stock price synchronicity based on market model R2s are predictably biased downwards as a result of stock illiquidity, and that previously-employed remedies to correct market model betas for measurement bias do not fix R2. Using a large international...
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Almost all U.S. firms now announce earnings outside of regular trading hours. This paper studies how stock prices incorporate information in after-hours trading. I find slow prices adjustment accompanied by significant trading volume. During 2002-2012, 5,881 rule-based trading opportunities...
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