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Recent findings have heightened the debate about the usefulness of public information in asset markets. Using daily composite and sector index returns, this paper examines the role of public information arrival in an emerging, high-inflation economy like Turkey. The findings reveal that real GDP...
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We compare the performance of Islamic and conventional stock returns in Saudi Arabia in order to determine whether the Saudi market exhibits characteristics that are consistent with segmented markets and investor recognition effects. We sample the daily stock returns of all Saudi firms from...
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In this paper we investigate three empirical aspects of emerging stock markets. First, we use the endogenous structural break techniques of Bai (1996) and Bai and Perron (1998) to identify stock market opening dates in 16 different emerging market countries. The results indicate that there is...
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We examine the role of trades in restoring price parity for equities trading in multiple markets. Using a sample of stocks trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange and on the NYSE, AMEX or NASDAQ, we contrast price convergence when market makers (a) observe only lagged quotes from both markets and...
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With a unique dataset of euro area corporate bonds we study the role of large heterogeneous investors’ demand on currency pricing. We document that while insurance and pension funds exhibit strong preferences for holding assets issued by local firms and denominated in home currency; mutual...
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This paper studies whether the volume and composition of capital flows affect the degree of credit crunch during the 2007-2009 crisis. Using data on 3823 firms in 24 emerging countries, we find that, on average, the decline in stock prices was more severe for firms that are intrinsically more...
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This paper is about the effectiveness of qualitative easing, a form of unconventional monetary policy that changes the risk composition of the central bank balance sheet with the goal of stabilizing economic activity. We construct a general equilibrium model where agents have rational...
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The paper argues that there are important links between asset prices and public finances which can strongly affect the variability of fiscal balances. Asset prices affect fiscal balances via capital gains and turnover related taxes, and via wealth effects on consumption and indirect taxes. The...
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We study the international propagation of long-run risk in the context of a general equilibrium model with endogenous growth. Innovation and international diffusion of technologies are the channels at the core of our mechanism. A calibrated version of the model matches several asset pricing and...
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