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forecasting technique with respect to various volatility estimators. The methodology of volatility estimation includes Close …
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forecasting technique with respect to various volatility estimators. The methodology of volatility estimation included Close …
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Linear GARCH(1,1) and threshold GARCH(1,1) processes are established as regularly varying, meaning their heavy tails are Pareto like, under conditions that allow the innovations from the, respective, processes to be skewed. Skewness is considered a stylized fact for many financial returns...
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Forecasting volatility models typically rely on either daily or high frequency (HF) data and the choice between these two categories is not obvious. In particular, the latter allows to treat volatility as observable but they suffer from many limitations. HF data feature microstructure problem,...
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Forecasting-volatility models typically rely on either daily or high frequency (HF) data and the choice between these two categories is not obvious. In particular, the latter allows to treat volatility as observable but they suffer of many limitations. HF data feature microstructure problem,...
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In this paper we test for (Generalized) AutoRegressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity [(G)ARCH] in daily data on 22 exchange rates and 13 stock market indices using the standard Lagrange Multiplier [LM] test for GARCH and a LM test that is resistant to patches of additive outliers. The data span...
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The paper advances the log-generalized gamma distribution as a suitable generator of conditional skewness. Based on the NYSE composite daily returns an asMA-asQGARCH model along with skewness dynamics is estimated. The results indicate a skewness that varies between sizeable negative skewness...
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asymptotic normality for general MSMD specifications. We show that the Whittle estimation is a computationally simple and fast …
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In this paper, we suggest and evaluate specification tests to test the validity of the conditional mean function implied by Autoregressive Conditional Duration (ACD) models. We propose Lagrange multiplier tests against sign bias alternatives, various types of conditional moment tests and...
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The ınvestment decisions of institutional and individual investors in financial markets are largely influenced by market uncertainty and volatility of the investment instruments. Thus, the prediction of the uncertainty and volatilities of the prices and returns of the investment instruments...
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