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This paper theoretically investigates the effect of uncertainty about future investment on expected stock returns … explain the value premium. Second, we investigate how uncertainty about investment affects expected stock returns. Based on … the closed-form solution in our framework, we suggest that less uncertainty about investment induces lower expected stock …
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significant amplifying role for market uncertainty in the relation between sentiment and aggregate investment. A one …-standard-deviation increase in uncertainty more than doubles the effect of sentiment on investment. Moreover, allowing uncertainty …The effects of sentiment should be strongest during times of heightened valuation uncertainty. As such, we document a …
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announcement return is negatively correlated to future investment only if there is time-varying uncertainty. Consistent with the …We argue the earnings announcement premium is a measure of firm-specific uncertainty aversion. Our stylized model shows … earnings announcements, as pure news events, are priced only if investors are uncertainty averse; further, the earnings …
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We use the Bayesian method introduced by Gallant and McCulloch (2009) to estimate consumption-based asset pricing models featuring smooth ambiguity preferences. We rely on semi-nonparametric estimation of a flexible auxiliary model in our structural estimation. Based on the market and aggregate...
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premium once time variation in investment opportunities is accounted for; in most cases, Bayesian learning lowers the …
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I show in a setting of a buyer and seller with the same preferences trading two related assets so as to share volatility risk that illiquidity and virtually all impediments to trade cannot be priced in the absence of excess short-selling costs. This is because the buyer values the asset at the...
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We show in a fairly general setting of a buyer and seller with the same preferences trading two related assets so as to share volatility risk that illiquidity and virtually all impediments to trade cannot be priced. This is because the buying and selling counterparties must both be optimizing....
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We examine how the market valuation of firms varies on account of characteristics that make them vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic across different stages of the crisis. Using plant location data that uniquely identify the vulnerability of firms to operational disruptions, we find that firms...
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This paper investigates the impact of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on firms’ investment sensitivity to their peers …’ stock prices. We find that investment increasingly responds to the variation of peers’ prices during the high policy … uncertainty period in China. To deal with the increasing uncertainty, managers need more information when making investment …
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spectrum among the countries of this group because of the relevance of this information to investors, traders and policy makers …
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