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We use unique institutional securities holdings data to examine the trading behaviour of delegated institutional capital and its impact on bond risk premia. We show that institutional fund managers trade strongly procyclically: they actively move into higher yielding, longer duration and lower...
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Institutional funds have concentrated ownership by a few institutional investors, infrequent outflows and essentially no leverage. Yet using unique granular data on the bond holdings of institutional funds, we show that their trading behavior is strongly procyclical: they actively move into...
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The identical cash flow rights of Chinese A and B shares provide a natural experiment that allows us to explore how investor clienteles affect stock return patterns. Chinese domestic retail investors are responsible for the majority of trades in A shares, while foreign institutional investors...
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Using a novel database, we show that the stock-price impact of analyst trade ideas is at least as large as the impact of stock recommendation, target price, and earnings forecast changes, and that investors following trade ideas can earn significant abnormal returns. Trade ideas triggered by...
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The world's single largest stockowner, Norway's sovereign wealth fund, makes ESG announcements about the products or …
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We study the equilibrium implications of a multi-asset economy in which asset managers are subject to different benchmarks, and demonstrate how heterogeneous benchmarking generates a mechanism through which fundamental shocks propagate across assets. Fluctuations in asset managers' capital...
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We examine whether mutual funds and hedge funds herd after each other and the associated impacts on stock prices. We find strong evidence that mutual funds herd into or out of stocks following the herd of hedge funds: mutual funds' herding measure is positively related to last quarter's hedge...
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We find that aggregate net equity fund flows are strongly negatively correlated with changes in expected future stock market volatility as measured by the VIX. Implying that investor purchase decisions are primarily driven by returns and sale decisions by risk perceptions, we further find that...
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In recent years, exchange-traded fund (ETF) markets have grown exponentially due to their rising popularity amongst retail investors with a preference for passive investments. However, the effect of this rising popularity on the performance of ETF markets remains understudied. Therefore, the...
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