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This paper investigates the propagation of instability through key asset markets of the US financial system - equity, real estate, banking and treasury - between 1/3/2000 and 12/26/2014. For this purpose, we develop an identification method to uncover characteristic financial market...
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This paper generalizes the ACD models of Engle and Russell (1998) using the so-called q-Weibull distribution as the conditional distribution. The new specification allows the hazard function to be non-monotonic. We document that the q-Weibull distribution recently suggested in physics as a...
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Fractionally integrated autoregressive moving average (ARFIMA) and Heterogeneou Autoregressive (HAR) models are estimated and their ability to predict the one-trading-day-ahead CAC40 realized volatility is investigated. In particular, this paper follows three steps: (i) The optimal sampling...
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We use the expected lifetime range (ELR) ratio based on the extreme values of asset prices to detect the presence of mean reversion in stock returns. We find that the actual cross-sectional average of the ELR ratio is significantly less than its bootstrap means, thereby indicating a considerable...
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Estimation using simulation techniques may be very time consuming. Specification tests for structuralstability often …
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. We also extend our results to integrated quarticity and higher-order variation estimation, and then propose a new jump …, comparing with alternative methods. The simulations support our theoretical results on volatility estimation and demonstrate …
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In this paper we propose a new bootstrap, or Monte-Carlo, approach to such problems. Traditional bootstrap methods in this context are based on fitting a process chosen from a wide but relatively conventional range of discrete time series models, including autoregressions, moving averages,...
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We develop a penalized two-pass regression with time-varying factor loadings. The penalization in the first pass enforces sparsity for the time-variation drivers while also maintaining compatibility with the no arbitrage restrictions by regularizing appropriate groups of coefficients. The second...
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return horizons and usually do not specify the quantitative measure of it. This paper provides nonparametric estimation of a …
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