Showing 1 - 10 of 61
This paper analyses the impact of financial frictions on markup adjustments at the firm level. We use a rich panel data set that matches information on banking relationships with firm-level data. By relying on insights from recent contributions in the literature, we obtain exogenous credit...
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Using a panel of Credit Default Swap (CDS) spreads and supply chain links, we observe that both favorable and unfavorable credit shocks propagate through supply chains in the CDS market. Particularly, the three-day cumulative abnormal CDS spread change (CASC) is 63 basis points for firms whose...
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This paper analyses the impact of financial frictions on markup adjustments at the firm level. We use a rich panel data set that matches information on banking relationships with firm-level data. By relying on insights from recent contributions in the literature, we obtain exogenous credit...
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What happens to firms' organizational structure when they are hit by a negative shock? By matching employer-employee data with firm loans and bank balance sheets, I study firms’ reactions to a credit shock - the global financial crisis - and compare it to a trade shock - the entry of China in...
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This paper examines whether shocks to less visible product market network peers explain industry level post-earnings announcement drift (IPEAD). On the real-side, we find that peer earnings shocks propagate slowly through the peer network, creating a complex and conditional autocorrelation...
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We study relational contracts as a means to govern transactions across firm boundaries. We focus on the airline industry, where real-time adaptation of flight schedules under bad weather is not formally contractible, and yet is essential for performance and long-term profitability. While...
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We analyze competition through incentive contracts for managers in duopoly. Privately informed managers exert surplus enhancing effort that generates an externality on the rival. Asymmetric information on imperfectly correlated shocks creates a two-way distortion of efforts under strategic...
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We examine how endogenous shocks affect market exchange relationships. We address two questions: Are organizations more likely to engage in some relationships than in others? Are they more likely to engage in some relationships for protecting themselves from shocks and in others for adjusting to...
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We investigate how internal labor markets (ILMs) affect labor adjustments and performance in business groups. We show that group-affiliated units faced with positive shocks to growth opportunities rely on the ILM to ensure swift hiring, especially of managers and other high-skilled workers. A...
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