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finds an optimal mechanism for the private provision of a public service in an environment without monetary transfers. All … others. The optimal mechanism is a threshold rule that assigns the task randomly among volunteers if enough volunteers come …
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Media content is an important privately supplied public good. While it has been shown that contributions to a public good crowd out other contributions in many cases, the issue has not been thoroughly studied for media markets yet. We show that in a standard model of commercial media bias,...
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Media content is an important privately supplied public good. While it has been shown that contributions to a public good crowd out other contributions in many cases, the issue has not been thoroughly studied for media markets yet. We show that in a standard model of commercial media bias,...
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that the mechanism in which players' contributions are not refunded is generically suboptimal …
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Under appropriate assumptions (private values and uniform punishments), the Nash equilibria of a Bayesian repeated game without discounting are payoff-equivalent to tractable, completely revealing, equilibria and can be achieved as interim cooperative solutions of the initial Bayesian game. This...
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In this note I give a full characterization of all deterministic direct mechanisms in the public good provision problem with independent private values that are dominant strategy incentive compatible, ex-post individually rational, and ex-post budget balanced.
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Previous work has found that in social dilemmas, the selfish always free-ride, while others will cooperate if they expect their peers to do so as well. Outcomes may thus depend on conditional cooperators’ beliefs about the number of selfish types. An early round of the game may be played...
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We model a dynamic public good contribution game, where players are (naturally) formed into groups. The groups are exogenously placed in a sequence, with limited information available to players about their groups’ position in the sequence. Contribution decisions are made by players...
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Individual contributions to public goods can be framed in absolute or relative metrics. We examine the effects of asymmetric framing and informational feedback on contributions when group members are heterogeneously endowed. We develop a reference-dependent theory in which the absolute or...
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Consider a mechanism for the binary public good provision problem that is dominant strategy incentive compatible (DSIC … agents then any such mechanism must have a threshold (or fixed cost-sharing) form, in which there is a fixed threshold for …
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