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This article proposes the design and the results of a project studying the adoption of mobile gaming (playing mobile games) in the Chinese youth market. An adoption model extending TAM (Technology Adoption Model) was used, with intention to use as the dependent variable. Data were gathered from...
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Recent research has studied heterogeneity in universalism vs. in-group favoritism to explain various economic and political behaviors. This paper documents that displayed universalism is significantly affected by social signaling concerns resulting from the anticipation of future economic...
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Die oft festgestellte Diskrepanz zwischen erwarteten und erzielten Erfolg von Unternehmensuebernahmen ist Ausgangspunkt einer Vielzahl von Untersuchungen, welche die Gruende fuer diese Differenz zu identifizieren versuchen. Der Fokus der aktuellen Diskussion liegt auf der Integrationsphase des...
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This paper aims to explore the tax revenue implications of legalizing sports gambling. Due to the very nature of sports gambling, the state will likely only retain, at a maximum, 5% of all bets wagered, while state gaming win may vary from year to year (AGA.) We believe that the rise in...
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Reputation is clearly a growing area of research and practitioner interest. Models that assist in our understanding of research and that aid practitioners in managing reputation are to be encouraged. In this paper, a model of reputation formation is proposed and the notion of reputation in...
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Leadership skills have been a predominant topic throughout literature as means to discover key influencers of success. A plethora of findings have emerged throughout different settings and time frames. Additionally, frameworks have been developed to determine which skills are associated with...
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The profitability of a firm is jointly determined by it's organizational structure and the market structure. To explore the effects of market factors on optimal organizational structure we develop a real-time information processing model of a multi unit firm in a dynamic duopoly environment. Our...
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Consider an uninformed decision maker (DM) who communicates with a partially informed speaker (S) through cheap talk. DM can choose a project to implement or the outside option of no project. We show that if the agents' ex-ante rankings over projects do not coincide, then this conflict of...
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The impact of information technology (IT) on the stability of market equilibrium is explained from a simple microeconomic standpoint. Attributes of a dynamically stable “virtual” market equilibrium are described assuming consumer rationality, an elastic supply curve, and minimum static...
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