Showing 1 - 10 of 10
An urn contains balls of d = 2 colors. At each time n = 1, a ball is drawn and then replaced together with a random number of balls of the same color. Let An =diag (An,1, . . . ,An,d) be the n-th reinforce matrix. Assuming EAn,j = EAn,1 for all n and j, a few CLT's are available for such urns....
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This paper deals with empirical processes of the type Cn(B) = n^(1/2) {µn(B) - P(Xn+1 in B
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This paper deals with empirical processes of the type Cn(B) = n^(1/2) {µn(B) - P(Xn+1 in B | X1, . . . ,Xn)} , where (Xn) is a sequence of random variables and µn = (1/n)SUM(i=1,..,n) d(Xi) the empirical measure. Conditions for supB|Cn(B)| to converge stably (in particular, in distribution)...
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An urn contains balls of d = 2 colors. At each time n = 1, a ball is drawn and then replaced together with a random number of balls of the same color. Let An =diag (An,1, . . . ,An,d) be the n-th reinforce matrix. Assuming EAn,j = EAn,1 for all n and j, a few CLT s are available for such urns....
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Let (Xn) be a sequence of integrable real random variables, adapted to a filtration (Gn). Define: Cn = n^(1/2) {1/n SUM(k=1:n) Xk - E(Xn+1 | Gn) } and Dn = n^(1/2){ E(Xn+1 | Gn)-Z } where Z is the a.s. limit of E(Xn+1 | Gn) (assumed to exist). Conditions for (Cn,Dn) -- N(0,U) × N(0,V) stably...
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An urn contains balls of d = 2 colors. At each time n = 1, a ball is drawn and then replaced together with a random number of balls of the same color. Let An =diag (An,1, . . . ,An,d) be the n-th reinforce matrix. Assuming EAn,j = EAn,1 for all n and j, a few CLT’s are available for such urns....
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This paper deals with empirical processes of the type Cn(B) = n^(1/2) {µn(B) - P(Xn+1 in B | X1, . . . ,Xn)} , where (Xn) is a sequence of random variables and µn = (1/n)SUM(i=1,..,n) d(Xi) the empirical measure. Conditions for supB|Cn(B)| to converge stably (in particular, in distribution)...
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This paper presents a goodness-of-fit test for the volatility function of a SDE driven by a Gaussian process with stationary and centered increments. Under rather weak assumptions on the Gaussian process, we provide a procedure for testing whether the unknown volatility function lies in a given...
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This paper presents a Hayashi–Yoshida-type estimator for the covariation matrix of continuous Itô semimartingales observed with noise. The coordinates of the multivariate process are assumed to be observed at highly frequent non-synchronous points. The estimator of the covariation matrix is...
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We consider a continuous semi-martingale sampled at hitting times of an irregular grid. The goal of this work is to analyze the asymptotic behavior of the realized volatility under this rather natural observation scheme. This framework strongly differs from the well understood situations when...
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