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In this paper we establish a spectral representation of any symmetric stable self-similar process in terms of multiplicative flows and cocycles. Applying the Lamperti transformation we obtain a unique decomposition of a symmetric stable self-similar process into three independent parts: mixed...
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In this paper we establish the uniqueness of the Lamperti transformation leading from self-similar to stationary processes, and conversely. We discuss alpha-stable processes, which allow to understand better the difference between the Gaussian and non-Gaussian cases. As a by-product we get a...
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In this paper we present a result on convergence of approximate solutions of stochastic differential equations involving integrals with respect to alpha-stable Levy motion. We prove an appropriate weak limit theorem, which does not follow from known results on stability properties of stochastic...
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In this paper we investigate properties of R-GARCH processes with positive strictly stable innovations. We derive the unconditional distributions and analyze the dependence structure. This analysis is carried out by means of the measure of dependence - the codifference - which extends the...
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We derive the asymptotic behavior of two measures of dependence (Codifference and Covariation) for ARMA(1,2) models with symmetric alpha-stable innovations and non-stationary coefficients.
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In this paper, we discuss the issue of estimation of the parameters of stable laws. We present an overview of the known methods and compare them on samples of different sizes and for different values of the parameters. Performance tables are provided.
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The essence of the Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) computations is estimation of low quantiles in the portfolio return distributions. Hence, the performance of market risk measurement methods depends on the quality of distributional assumptions on the underlying risk factors....
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Many of the concepts in theoretical and empirical finance developed over the past decades – including the classical portfolio theory, the Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing model or the RiskMetrics variance-covariance approach to VaR – rest upon the assumption that asset returns follow a...
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In the paper Weron (1996, Statist. Probab. Lett. 28, 165-171), I gave a proof to the equality in law of a skewed stable variable and a nonlinear transformation of two independent uniform and exponential variables. The Chambers et al. (1976, J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 71, 340–344) method of...
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