Showing 1 - 10 of 15
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to propose a multi-feature, multi-metric and multi-loop tightly coupled LiDAR-visual-inertial odometry, M 3 LVI, for high-accuracy and robust state estimation and mapping. Design/methodology/approach M 3 LVI is built atop a factor graph and composed of two...
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to design the localization and tracking algorithms for our mobile welding robot to carry out the large steel structure welding operations in industrial environment. Design/methodology/approach – Extended Kalman filter, considering the bicycle-modeled...
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Purpose This paper aims to propose a method to solve the problem of localization and mapping of a two-wheeled inverted pendulum (TWIP) robot on the ground using the Stereo–inertial measurement unit (IMU) system. This method reparametrizes the pose according to the motion characteristics of...
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This paper is concerned with the state estimation problem for a class of Markovian neural networks with discrete and distributed time-delays. The neural networks have a finite number of modes, and the modes may jump from one to another according to a Markov chain. The main purpose is to estimate...
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This Letter is concerned with the robust state estimation problem for uncertain time-delay Markovian jumping genetic regulatory networks (GRNs) with SUM logic, where the uncertainties enter into both the network parameters and the mode transition rate. The nonlinear functions describing the...
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This paper describes a design for a least mean square error estimator in discrete time systems where the components of the state vector, in measurement equation, are corrupted by different multiplicative noises in addition to observation noise. We show how known results can be considered a...
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Wind farms can be analyzed using state estimation methods, which can be used to obtain its running state, including several aspects that cannot be easily obtained using other methods (e.g., capacitor bank aging) Using these methods on these types of networks is strongly affected by decoupling...
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Motion control of mobile robots and efficient trajectory tracking is usually based on prior estimation of the robots’ state vector. To this end Gaussian and nonparametric filters (state estimators from position measurements) have been developed. In this paper the Extended Kalman Filter which...
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Software sensors (or state observers) are able to provide a continuous estimation of some signals (e.g. concentrations of important culture components, like biomass) which are not measured by hardware sensors. They need a mathematical model of the process and (discrete) hardware measurements of...
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Renewable energy is energy that is in continuous supply over time. These kinds of energy sources are divided into five principal renewable sources of energy: the sun, the wind, flowing water, biomass and heat from within the earth. According to some studies carried out by the research...
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