Showing 1 - 10 of 279
Dieser Aufsatz analysiert die Effekte der staatlichen Steuer- und Subventionspolitik hinsichtlich ihrer Wirkung auf das langfristige Wirtschaftswachstum. Untersucht werden mehrere einkommens- und gewinnabhängige Steuern auf Haushalts- und Unternehmensebene sowie eine von den Haushalten erhobene...
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Company taxes and taxes on highly skilled labour both influence the attractiveness of a particular region as a location for investment. We measure the effective tax burden on capital investment and on highly qualified labour in 33 locations across Europe and the United States. We then correlate...
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This paper addresses the reduction of market failure under imperfect competition. It proposes a taxscheme that provides firms with an incentive to forgo their market power: Firms optimize after-tax profits. Now simply consider a firm´s gross profit margin the unique tax-rate it is charged on...
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The paper analyzes the sustainability of governmental debt and its welfare properties in an overlapping generations economy with stochastic production and capital accumulation. In the absence of taxation, equilibria with positive debt generically converge to debtless eauilibria are typically...
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This paper explores the relationship between environmental protection and international capital movements, when tax policy is endogenous (through voting). A two-period general equilibrium model of a small open economy is specified to compare the effects of two different constitutions (commitment...
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Bund und Länder streiten seit 1995 über eine Reform der Grundsteuer. Das aktuelle Verfahren ist mittlerweile veraltet, ungerecht und nicht mehr verfassungskonform. Die Gründe für das bisherige Scheitern der Reformbemühungen sind die erheblichen Umverteilungswirkungen zwischen Ländern,...
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This paper studies the market allocation in an economy where material is used for producing a consumption good, then recycled and finally landfilled, and where a recycling firm has market power. The material content constitutes an aspect of green product design and affects the recycling costs....
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Conventional in-work benefits or tax credits are now well established as a policy instrument for increasing labour supply and tackling poverty. A different sort of in-work credit is one where the payments are time-limited, conditional on previous receipt of welfare, and, perhaps, not...
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This paper compares education investment in closed and open economies without government and with a benevolent government. The fact that the time consistency problem in taxation can make labor mobility beneficial even if governments are fully benevolent – which is known from other contexts –...
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