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In Longstaff and Schwartz (2001) a method for American option pricing using simulation and regression is suggested, and … since then the method has rapidly gained importance. However, the idea of using regression and simulation for American …
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We establish simple analytical and numerical methods for propagating stochastic price processes backwards in time, step by step, to the initial value while satisfying all cross-sectional and serial requirements. This proves useful in dealing with complex path-dependent options with American...
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This paper proposes the sample path generation method for the stochastic volatility version of the CGMY process. We present the Monte-Carlo method for European and American option pricing with the sample path generation and calibrate model parameters to the American style S&P 100 index options...
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this paper with our results in an article where we determined the values for Call and Put by Monte Carlo simulation. …
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In the present paper, there are presented, theoretical and applicative, two issues: the evaluation of the European options using the Monte Carlo method and the measurement of the entropy of information for the price of the underlying asset of the option. The underlying asset used in our analyses...
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We present efficient simulation procedures for pricing barrier options when the underlying security price follows a … geometric Brownian motion with jumps. Metwally and Atiya [2002] developed a simulation approach for pricing knock-out options in … applications of well-known variance reduction techniques. We also show how to use simulation to price knock-in options. Numerical …
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In this paper we study the pricing and hedging of options on realized variance in the 3/2 non-affine stochastic volatility model, by developing efficient transform based pricing methods. This non-affine model gives prices of options on realized variance which allow upward sloping implied...
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efficient simulation scheme based on conditional moments. These methodologies are applied for Asian option pricing, an important …
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We present an embarrassingly simple method for supervised learning of SABR model's European option price function based on lookup table or rote machine learning. Performance in time domain is comparable to generally used analytic approximations utilized in financial industry. However, unlike the...
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We explore a multi-asset jump-diffusion pricing model, combining a systemic risk asset with several conditionally independent ordinary assets. Our approach allows for analyzing and modeling a portfolio that integrates high-activity security, such as an exchange trading fund (ETF) tracking a...
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