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market, volatility and jump risks, and observation error of time changes. To operationalize the models, we use volume …
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The Heston model stands out from the class of stochastic volatility (SV) models mainly for two reasons. Firstly, the … process for the volatility is nonnegative and mean-reverting, which is what we observe in the markets. Secondly, there exists …. -- Heston model ; vanilla option ; stochastic volatility ; Monte Carlo simulation ; Feller condition ; option pricing with FFT …
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A problem of risk neutral probability density function estimation for prices of risky assets is discussed when the asset pricing model uses exponential random process with independent increments. The structure of increments consists of two components: systematic drift and a random gamma...
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In this paper we examine the Heston model in the limit of infinitely fast mean-reversion for the stochastic volatility … process (CIR). We show that, under an appropriate scaling of the model parameters, the two-factor stochastic volatility Heston … properties of the implied volatility surface. The model is expected to provide a reasonable fit to the market for all maturities …
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We study the mass at the origin in the uncorrelated SABR stochastic volatility model, and derive several tractable … -- we derive small-strike expansions for the implied volatility when the maturity becomes short or large. These formulae, by … de finition arbitrage free, allow us to quantify the impact of the mass at zero on existing implied volatility …
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implemented and do not contain any numerical integration.These formulas are important in volatility surface construction and CMS …
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condition, which assigns some fixed value to the stochastic volatility subprocess, is illogical and greatly underestimates the … effect of the hidden variable. For instance, a stochastic volatility model generates a significantly weaker implied … volatility smile at short maturities. A good initial condition should specify the distribution of the hidden variable instead of …
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In the current low-interest-rate environment, extending option models to negative rates has become an important issue. In our previous paper, we introduced the Free SABR model, which is a natural and an attractive extension to the classical SABR model. In spite of its advantages over the Shifted...
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If a high degree of accuracy and market consistency is required for option pricing, stochastic local volatility models … alternative approach using effective stochastic volatility techniques, which allow an efficient direct calibration of the leverage … function for a large class of stochastic local volatility models. This includes stochastic volatility models such as the SABR …
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This paper develops a new version of the Hull-White's model of interest rates, in which the volatility of the short … constant volatility of the Brownian motion is replaced by a multifractal process so as to capture persistent volatility shocks …
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