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Stationarity testing for time series which include a smooth trend with unknown parameters is considered in this paper. A pseudo-Lagrange Multiplier stationarity test is proposed and its asymptotic null distribution is obtained. The distribution depends on the unknown parameters of the model....
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We make use in this article of a testing procedure suggested by Robinson (1994) for testing deterministic seasonality versus seasonal fractional integration. A new test statistic is developed to simultaneously test both, the order of integration of the seasonal component and the need of seasonal...
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A large number of nonlinear conditional heteroskedastic models have been proposed in the literature. Model selection is crucial to any statistical data analysis. In this article, we investigate whether the most commonly used selection criteria lead to choice of the right specification in a...
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The random coefficient autoregressive model has been utilized for modeling financial time series because it possesses features that are often observed in financial time series. When the mean of the random autoregressive coefficient is one, it is called the stochastic unit root model. This paper...
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In a recent article, Xu (2008) developed the asymptotic theory for autoregressions around a polynomial trend, under …
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Numerous tests designed to detect realized jumps over a fixed time span have been proposed and extensively studied in the financial econometrics literature. These tests differ from “long time span tests” that detect jumps by examining the magnitude of the jump intensity parameter in the data...
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In a recently publicized study, Harvey et al. (2012) investigated procedures for unit root testing employing break detection methods under local break in trend. We apply this methodology to analyze asymptotic and nite sample behavior of procedures under local break to test the stationarity null...
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Capturing dependence among a large number of high dimensional random vectors is a very important and challenging problem. By arranging n random vectors of length p in the form of a matrix, we develop a linear spectral statistic of the constructed matrix to test whether the n random vectors are...
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It is common practice to split time-series into in-sample and pseudo out-of-sample segments and to estimate the out-of-sample loss of a given statistical model by evaluating forecasting performance over the pseudo out-of-sample segment. We propose an alternative estimator of the out-of-sample...
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statistics for which no finite-sample distributional theory is yet available, such as the standard statistic proposed by Hausman … phenomenon typically disappears. We present simulation evidence which confirms the finite-sample theory. The theoretical results …
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