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In this paper we present and analyze a stylized model of endogenous growth with international technology spillover effects from the North to the South. The model allows for endogenous structural change and environmental degradation that reduces world output. We find that within this framework...
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environmental quality until the moment that pollution is great enough to make profitable the investment in R&D. After this turning …
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links the pollution intensity of economic activity to technological progress. In a second step, it investigates the effect … of pollution on economic growth under the assumption that pollution intensities are related to technological progress …. Several conclusions emerge from the model. In equilibrium, the economy follows a balanced growth path. The effect of pollution …
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environmental quality until the moment that pollution is great enough to make profitable the investment in R&D. After this turning …
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This paper introduces heterogeneity of cross-technologies interactions into the double-differentiated R&D-based endogenous growth model. In this model new technologies appear continuously and older are outdated generating structural change. All technologies may interact with each other through...
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Population growth has two potentially counteracting effects on pollution emissions:(i) more people implies more … environmental sustainability requires pollution taxes and/or population control policies …
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environmental policy also affects the direction of technical change. In contrast to previous models, production and pollution … abatement technologies are embodied in separate intermediate good types. A set of stylized facts related to pollution emission …, environmental policy, and pollution abatement expenditures is presented, and it is shown that the developed model is consistent with …
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The paper develops a model with non-exponential population growth, nonrenewable natural resources, and endogenous knowledge creation to analyse substitution between primary inputs and an essential use of resources in the innovation sectors, which is generally considered as most unfavourable for...
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We analyze the impact of carbon prices on human capital accumulation, sectoral change, and economic growth. In our framework output is produced with dirty and/or clean technologies using skilled and unskilled labor as inputs. Carbon policy affects technology selection which transmits incentives...
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Computable general equilibrium models simulate the reaction of industries on carbon taxes. Their results differ strongly on the assumption of the underlying technologies. This paper compares two models and emphasizes the differences between their approaches to technology. The first model is the...
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