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In this paper we analyze the dynamics of an R&D differential game allowing for technological spillovers and sigmoid … learning functions of multiproduct oligopolies. We demonstrate how the presence of learning together with spillovers may … both from the single firm dynamics with learning and from the duopoly case with spillovers and without learning. …
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Recent liberalization of technology flows in several less developed nations necessitates study into the possible effects of this significant shift in policy. This paper uses a unique firm-level dataset, modeling the choice between R&D expenditures and technology licensing behavior in Brazil,...
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Northern firms with patented technology can export goods to Southern markets and incur tariff costs or choose FDI and avoid the tariff. We examine the welfare effects of intellectual property protection under this scenario. When it is beneficial to do so, the Southern government offers patent...
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Pursuing a subsidiary level analysis, this paper tests the ‘technology gap' hypothesis in the context of intra-MNC knowledge flows. Furthermore, it introduces complimentary knowledge stocks into the concept of absorptive capacity. A set of hypotheses is tested in a sample of 434 foreign...
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The paper explores the long run evolution of Italy's performance in technological innovation as a function of international technology transfer, reconstructing the different phases and dimensions of Italian innovative activity, tracking the transfer of foreign technological knowledge through a...
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This paper analyzes the effects of 3D printing technologies on the volume of trade and on the structure of FDI. A standard model with firm-specific heterogeneity generates three main predictions. First, 3D printers are introduced in areas with high economic activity that also face high transport...
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spillovers from other foreign firms operating in the same product market. This evidence on the dynamics of efficiency is …
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This study investigates the determinants of FDI in Austria, as well as their spillovers to innovating technologies …-secondary nontertiary education. The study also finds that there are positive spillovers of FDI to the domestic economy, which are strongest …
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This study investigates the determinants of FDI in Austria, as well as their spillovers to innovating technologies …-secondary non-tertiary education. The study also finds that there are positive spillovers of FDI to the domestic economy, which are …
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Recent innovation literature has documented the benefits of cross-pollination of ideas across a wide set of industries and technology fields in an economy. Industrial and trade policies, by contrast, tend to favor economic specialization through the promotion of selected sectors. In this paper...
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