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In an influential paper Mankiw, Romer, and Weil (1992) argue that the evidence on the international disparity in levels of per capita income and rates of growth is consistent with a standard Solow model, once it has been augmented to include human capital as an accumulable factor. In a study on...
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This paper generalizes the Nelson–Phelps catch-up model of technology diffusion. We allow for the possibility that the pattern of technology diffusion can be exponential, which would predict that nations would exhibit positive catch-up with the leader nation, or logistic, in which a country...
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In this paper we employ techniques developed in spatial econometrics to analyse spatial patterns of technology diffusion, to detect clusters and to estimate theoretical models that incorporate space explicitly. These techniques correct for misspecifications resulting from the omission of spatial...
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We estimate the relative roles of factor inputs and productivity in explaining the level of economic development, which is measured as output per worker. For a large sample of countries, we show that alternative identifying productivity assumptions and alternative measures of human capital have...
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Human capital plays a key role in fostering technology adoption, the major source of economic growth in developing countries. Consequently, enhancing the level of human capital should be a matter of public concern. The present paper studies public education incentives in an environment in which...
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In dieser Arbeit wird ein Überblick über einige Kernaussagen der ''Neuen Wachstumstheorie'' über den Zusammenhang von Wissen und wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung gegeben. Ausgehend von der ''neoklassischen'' Wachstumstheorie wird die Bedeutung von Wissen in Prototypen endogenen Wachstums der...
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In an influential paper Mankiw, Romer, and Weil (1992) argue that the evidence on the international disparity in per-capita income levels and growth rates is consistent with a standard Solow model, once it has been augmented to include human capital as an accumulable factor. In a study on...
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This paper analyzes the link between natural resources abundance, the quality of learning institutions and retardation in technology adoption. We offer a model in which human capital is technology specific and that learning to master the technology is costly. Market failure in the human capital...
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