Showing 1 - 10 of 146
This paper analyses the foundations of efficient-firm regulation (implemented in Chile for almost two decades), and the formulas that are used to set the prices of water/sanitation companies, electric power distributors and the dominant phone companies. We show that efficient-firm regulation...
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The paper tackles the discussion about vertical separation in the electronic communications sector, in its two main forms functional and structural. The author will argue how mandatory structural separation under certain conditions could be a possible option. The evidence is provided by the...
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Der Telekommunikationssektor ist diejenige Netzindustrie, die innerhalb der Europäischen Union dem wohl ambitioniertesten Reformprozeß unterworfen wurde. Deregulierung und Privatisierung sind die wesentlichen Bausteine, von denen dauerhaft niedrigere Preisniveaus, beschleunigter technischer...
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This paper analyses how different types of access regulation to next generation networks affect investments and consumer welfare. The model consists of an investment stage with uncertain returns and subsequent quantity competition. The access price is a function of investment costs and the...
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Die europäischen Postmärkte sollen bis spätestens Ende 2012 vollständig liberalisiert werden. Im Zuge dieser Entwicklung werden derzeit die nationalen Regulierungsrahmen den neuen Bedingungen angepasst, und es wird diskutiert, inwiefern die bisherigen Monopolanbieter (auch) zukünftig ihren...
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This paper examines the consequences of introducing mobile number portability (MNP). As MNP allows consumers to keep their telephone number when switching providers, it reduces consumers' switching costs. However, MNP may also cause consumer ignorance if telephone numbers no longer identify...
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In summer 2005, the German telecommunication incumbent Deutsche Telekom announced its plans to build a new broadband fibre optics network. Deutsche Telekom decided as precondition for this new network not to be regulated with respect to pricing and third party access. To develop a regulator's...
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This paper presents a basic framework to assess whether structural (vertical) separation is desirable. It is discussed within the setting of fixed telecommunications markets. From an economist's perspective, the key question that underlies the case for structural separation is: is there a...
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We analyze the demand and supply characteristics of the Indian telecommunications market, in order to assess the potential effectiveness of universal access policies in developing countries. We provide some empirical evidence on the supply and demand characteristics, using a small...
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Mit der zum 1. Dezember 2021 in Kraft getretenen Novelle des Telekommunikationsgesetzes (TKG) ist der Vorrang der Versteigerung als Regelvergabeverfahren für Frequenzen bei Knappheit aufgehoben worden. Das TKG sieht zwei mögliche Vergabeverfahren für Frequenzen bei Knappheit vor: die...
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