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A growing body of empirical evidence suggests that a positive technology shock leads to a temporary decline in employment. A two-country model is used to demonstrate that the open economy dimension can enhance the ability of sticky price models to account for the evidence. The reasoning is as...
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This paper examines the role of alternative assumptions on savings and expectations for the fixwage traverse with strong forward biased technological change. After briefly outlining the model, some peculiarities of the adjustment path under the Hicksian Q-Assumption are investigated....
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A growing body of empirical evidence suggests that a positive technology shock leads to a temporary decline in employment. A two-country model is used to demonstrate that the open economy dimension can enhance the ability of sticky price models to account for the evidence. The reasoning is as...
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Die Regierungskoalition hat sich auf Eckpunkte ihres wirtschaftspolitischen Programms geeinigt. Damit wird die Hoffnung auf einen Abbau der hohen Arbeitslosigkeit verbunden. Werden die vorgesehenen Schritte zum Ziel führen?
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Lange Zeit wurde der technische Fortschritt als mitverantwortlich für die ansteigende Arbeitslosigkeit angesehen. Mittlerweile hat sich eine andere Sichtweise durchgesetzt. Wie wurde früher „technologische Arbeitslosigkeit“ erklärt? Welcher Innovationsbegriff lag den entsprechenden...
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In der Januarausgabe 2006 des WIRTSCHAFTSDIENST veröffentlichten wir einen Aufsatz von Professor Fritz Helmedag über die „Abhängigkeit der Beschäftigung von Steuern, Budgetdefiziten und Löhnen“. Nach einer Replik von Professor Bernd Lucke in der Märzausgabe desselben Jahres und einer...
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The issue addressed in this paper is how to obtain a composite measure of several indicators using benchmarking principles. While the exposition is only in two dimensions, and thus can be presented graphically, this is sufficient to capture the essence of the methodology and provide the basis...
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Starting from a Post-Keynesian model in which employment is determined by effective demand and the NAIRU is viewed as a limit to employment, enforced by monetary policy reacting upon conflict inflation, the effects of central bank independence and labour market institutions on macroeconomic...
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The consequences of government debt on capital formation, financial wealth and labor are investigated in a small open economy with demographic heterogeneity. Two alternative types of demographics are considered: one with intragenerational heterogeneity of the ''savers-spenders'' (SS) type, and...
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It is generally acknowledged that employment in our economies is increasingly dependent on services. European countries are continuing their gradual move towards a service-based economy with today nearly 70% of the total labour force being employed in service activities. It is also generally...
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