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Three sources of tax interactions among local jurisdictions are usually considered in the literature: public expenditure spill-over, tax competition and yardstick competition. However, another source of interdependency has been suggested in recent years: the 'political trend'. According to this...
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I analyze mobility responses to the unique introduction of regressive local income schedule in the Swiss Canton of Obwalden in 2006, which was aimed at attracting the top 1%. Differencein-Differences estimations comparing Obwalden to all other cantons confirm that the reform successfully...
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The identification of strategic interactions among local governments is typically plagued by endogeneity problems. This paper proposes a quasi-experimental strategy to identify independent personal income tax setting by Swiss municipalities making use of the multi-tier federal system. State...
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This paper attempts to analyze the role of taxes on property in containing asset bubbles and its consequent recessionary impact, by developing a framework, wherein the housing market is conceived as consisting of several sub-markets i.e. rental housing market, house resale market, new...
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During March of 2021, a surprising narrative arose in the media – U.S. states not only did not incur decreases in tax collection during COVID-19, but many states saw substantial increases in collection. We consider this outcome from the perspective of progressive tax rates, income inequality,...
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We study the impact of taxation on the location choices of individuals and tax bases in Italy. We exploit some recent tax decentralization reforms, which granted regions and municipalities greater power in setting income tax rates across brackets. Combining granular micro-level data on tax...
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We study the effects of decentralized wealth taxation on mobility and the effectiveness of tax coordination at mitigating tax competition. We exploit the reintroduction of the Spanish wealth tax, after which all regions except Madrid levied positive tax rates. We find the mobility responses to...
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This paper studies tax policy interaction among local governments for both mobile and immobile tax bases. We exploit exogenous changes in the local tax setting of German municipalities due to participation in state debt reduction programs to learn about the size, scope and nature of strategic...
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We make a methodological contribution to the latent class literature by re-examining censored variable analysis within a panel data context. Specifically, we extend the standard latent class tobit panel approach to include random effects, to allow for heteroskedasticity and to incorporate the...
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Fiscal disparity leads to a yardstick bias, in that incumbents in fiscally-rich jurisdictions can provide more public goods, extract more rents and yet have a higher probability to be reelected. This study further emphasizes disparity among jurisdictions, not only in terms of fiscal resources...
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