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outside players play their best response noncooperatively, the core is always nonempty when the game has strategic …
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Economies are complicated systems encompassing micro behaviors, interaction patterns, and global regularities. Whether partial or general in scope, studies of economic systems must consider how to handle difficult real-world aspects such as asymmetric information, imperfect competition,...
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This paper analyses the decision-making processes of heterogeneous agents, when both individual preferences and group actions are taken into account. Under the assumptions of certain topologies of interactions and assuming cognitive and informational restrictions, an agent-based model is...
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of ones. We then define the balanced-core as a refinement ofthe core. A payoff vector lies in the balanced-core if it … lies in the core andthe payoff vector is an element of payoff sets of all graphs in some balanced collection ofgraphs. We … prove that any balanced graph game has a nonempty balanced-core.We conclude by some examples showing the usefulness of the …
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Minimum-cost spanning tree problems are well-known problems in the operations research literature. Some agents, located at different geographical places, want a service provided by a common supplier. Agents will be served through costly connections. Some part of the literature has focused,...
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ones. We then define the balanced-core as a refinement ofthe core. A payoff vector lies in the balanced-core if it lies in … the core andthe payoff vector is an element of payoff sets of all graphs in some balanced collection ofgraphs. We prove … that any balanced graph game has a nonempty balanced-core.We conclude by some examples showing the usefulness of the …
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core. In this paper we generalize this result by distinguishing equivalence classes of balanced games that share the same … core structure. We then associate a system of linear inequalities with each equivalence class, and we show that the system … of TU games on which the core correspondence is additive (even linear). For the case of convex games we prove that the …
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This paper studies the core of combined games, obtained by summing two coalitional games. It is shown that the set of … core of the combined game coincides with the sum of the cores of its components. On the other hand, for non-balanced games …, the binary relation associating two component games whose combination has an empty core is not transitive. However, we …
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