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Most experimental evidence of hyperbolic discounting is based on violations of either stationarity or time consistency. Stationarity is violated when intertemporal choices differ for trade-offs in the near versus the more distant future. Time consistency on the other hand is violated if the...
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Most evidence of hyperbolic discounting is based on violations of either stationarity or time consistency as observed in choice experiments. These choice reversals may however also result from time-varying discount rates. Hyperbolic discounting is a plausible explanation for choice reversals...
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This paper examines the empirical question of whether subjects' static choices among rewards received at different times are influenced by their expected income levels at those times. Moreover, we recover time preferences after compensating for possible income effects. Besides eliciting...
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from a bilingual city in Northern Italy. We find that German-speaking primary school children are about 46% more likely … than Italian-speaking children to delay gratification in an intertemporal choice experiment. This result is robust when …
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from a bilingual city in Northern Italy. We find that German-speaking primary school children are about 46% more likely … than Italian-speaking children to delay gratification in an intertemporal choice experiment. The difference remains …
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- to eleven-year old primary school children in the city of Meran, we find that cooperation generally increases with age …, but that the gap between cooperation among in-group members and cooperation towards children speaking another language is …
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We study the transmission of risk attitudes in a unique survey of mothers and children in which both participated in an … incentivized risk preference elicitation task. We document that risk preferences are correlated between mothers and children when … the children are just 7 to 8 years old. This correlation is only present for daughters. We show that a measure of parental …
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This paper presents an infinite-horizon version of intergenerational utilitarianism. By studying discounted utilitarianism as the discount factor tends to one, we obtain a new welfare criterion: limit-discounted utilitarianism (LDU). We show that LDU meets the standard assumptions of efficiency,...
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. We study in an experiment with 336 kindergarten children, aged three to six years, whether intertemporal choice behavior … is malleable. In a control condition, about 50% of children prefer two rewards the next day over one reward immediately … successfully in promoting delay of gratification. We also find that patience increases with age and that more patient children have …
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I define "generous sustainability" as a combination of two conditions: neither instantaneous maximin income nor attainable maximin income should decrease over time. I provide a formal definition and study applications to an AK economy, a Ramsey economy, and a Climate Economy. Generosity is shown...
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