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Although theoretical research on optimal capital taxation suggest to incorporate public opinions, the empirical literature on preferences regarding capital taxation almost exclusively focusses on the emotionally loaded estate tax. This paper presents a more comprehensive investigation of...
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We consider the problem of repeatedly choosing policies to maximize social welfare. Welfare is a weighted sum of private utility and public revenue. Earlier outcomes inform later policies. Utility is not observed, but indirectly inferred. Response functions are learned through experimentation....
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This paper studies the response of saving decisions to two alternative capital taxation, i.e., wealth tax and capital income tax. I conduct a "life-cycle" experiment on Amazon Mturk, where subjects make dynamic saving decisions. Subjects exhibit an overreaction to the wealth tax, not to the...
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We use incentivized economics experiments to test both the point predictions and comparative static predictions of optimal transfer pricing models, comparing behavior under varying conditions, including wholly versus partially-owned subsidiaries and different tariff and tax rates. As predicted,...
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We report laboratory experiments investigating the cyclicality of profit-enhancing investment in a competitive environment. In our setting, optimal investment is counter-cyclical when investment costs fall following market downturns. However, we do not observe counter-cyclical investment....
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I investigate changes in product scope, the number of products that a firm offers, over the business cycle and decompose the impact of such changes on aggregate output. By using the Nielsen Retail Scanner data of U.S. consumer goods purchases for 2007- 2014, I find that firm product scope is an...
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We analyze output growth risk with respect to financial conditions across U.S. manufacturing industries. Using a multi-level quantile regression approach, we find strong heterogeneity in growth risk, particularly between the more vulnerable durable goods sector and the more resilient nondurable...
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This paper presents a set of facts on the cyclicality of firm births and deaths in the U.S. during the period 1979--2013. Asymmetry in the cyclicality between firm birth and firm death is observed: aggregate firm birth is generally significantly procyclical, while the (counter-)cyclicality in...
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prices set higher markups. We use the Bartik shift-share approach to empirically test whether firms which use more oil … relative to other inputs set higher markups when oil prices are more volatile. Our estimates imply that a one standard … deviation increase in oil price volatility leads to a 0.38 percent increase in the markup of firms with average oil exposure. …
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Using plant-level data, I show that the dispersion of total factor productivity in U.S. durable manufacturing is greater in recessions than in booms. This cyclical property of productivity dispersion is much less pronounced in non-durable manufacturing. In durables, this phenomenon primarily...
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